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"A model of a higher level of abstraction which… maps the properties of lower systems models into propositions of a higher level of abstraction" (J.van GIGCH, 1987, p.3) (after St. BEER).
To this definition, van GIGCH adds the following comment: "Of necessity, the metamodel is conceptualized in a metasystemic language or metalogic which can decide propositions and reconcile arguments which cannot be decided or reconciled in the language of logic of lower systems models" (p.3).
The unavoidable need for validation through metamodels is closely related to GÖDEL's theorem.
- 1) General information
- 2) Methodology or model
- 3) Epistemology, ontology and semantics
- 4) Human sciences
- 5) Discipline oriented
Bertalanffy Center for the Study of Systems Science(2020).
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Bertalanffy Center for the Study of Systems Science (2020). Title of the entry. In Charles François (Ed.), International Encyclopedia of Systems and Cybernetics (2). Retrieved from[full/url]
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